محفظه تولد (هچ)
Hatchling container: Hatchlings fall into the hatchling container after hatching where they remain and feed for five days on nutritious feed (chicken feed) to be- come 5-DOL.
Hatchling shower: Harvested eggies are placed on a rack called a hatchling shower, which is placed over a hatchling container.
When young larvae hatch, they fall into the hatchling container, which is replaced regu- larly (every one to three days).
The harvested eggies are placed together with eggies harvested on previous days over an open "hatchling container" with a high quality food source.
After hatching, larvae fall from the eggies into the hatchling container below where they will start feeding immediately.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران